dinsdag 28 december 2010

Muscle cramps

Recently I received the following email regarding MUSCLE CRAMPS:

Since we met I have been reading a little more about the Natural Tissue Salts, there functions etc, and it is really fascinating,. The more I read the more I see that I could do with taking some. Although I am better now, I have suffered badly from cramps in any muscle...even in my tongue and I do get run down..... Maybe we could have a consultation sometime in the near future.

If you have been suffering from muscle cramps, the first thing to do is check your bedroom and the spot where your bed is standing. If this spot is polluted by EMF radiation, by magnetism, by electrical devices, then get rid of them, change the position of your bed and check if there are cables underneath the bed, plugs close to your head and/or cables in the walls.
The best position for a bed is North-South, whereby our head is lying in the northern direction.

Living under the negative influence of electrosmog or in a stressful situation creates a deficiency of nr 7 Magnesium phosphoricum. That deficiency opens the door for cramps. Especially for women, muscle cramps show us that there is a deficiency of Calcium. If untreated this deficiency will eventually lead to osteoporosis. Thinking we are living under a threat, or in a fearful situation also depletes our bodies of Calcium.

Ask yourself the following questions.

1. Do you have a craving for coffee? How many cups do you drink per day? If the answer is YES, then you must know that cramps are linked to a high level of acidity in the body and coffee is increasing this level. Nr 2 Calcium phosphoricum will help the body neutralizing the acid.

2. Do you have sometimes cravings for smoked fish or smoked meat, for ketchup or mustard? If the answer is YES, then you have a very big deficiency of nr 2 Calcium phosphoricum.

3. Do you sometimes have a craving for chocolate?
If the answer is YES, then you have a big deficiency of nr 7 Magnesium phosphoricum.

When we have been going through a very difficult period in our lives some of us tend to crawl in a corner and suffer in loneliness. It means that we more or less, cut ourselves off from the world, that we do not know who we are anymore, that we have lost confidence and we do not want other people to know it, then we need to take nr 13 Kalium arsenicosum in order to get back on our feet.

A good combination of NTS for this person is:

Nr 2 Calcium phosphoricum , one tablet every 30 minutes if pain is acute and 10 tablets per day as prevention
Nr 7 Magnesium phosphoricum 7 tablets per day
Nr 9 Natrium phosphoricum (regulates the level of acidity in our body) 7 tablets per day
Nr 13 Kalium arsenicosum: 3 tablets per day

As far as nr 7 Magnesium phosphoricum is concerned, I have to tell you that you can take the 7 tablets as a HOT 7. It means that you dissolve 7 tablets of nr 7 in a glass of hot water and drink its contents slowly, sip after sip, while keeping each sip as long as you can in you mouth, let us say for one minute.
An ideal way of taking a HOT 7 is to drink the glass containing the solution in the morning after getting up and in the evening before going to bed. There is a saying that a HOT 7 switches the light on in the morning and off in the evening.

By taking NTS you can replenish the stocks of minerals in your cells, i.e. on the micro level. But you also need to replenish your stocks on the macro level, i.e. with good organic food.
Examples of food containing Calcium: Beans, Edam cheese, Emmentaler cheese, peas, lentils, nuts, Parmesan cheese, cellery, whole meal bread, cauliflower, salads, potatoes, carrots, apples, oranges, strawberries, cherries, grapes etc...
As many people do not want to make an effort and adapt their diet I have good news for you.

For each of the first 12 minerals, the Austrian pharmacy owned by Thomas Feichtinger is also making 12 different food supplements. It means that, by taking the NTS tablets and the Ortho capsules together, you can replenish your stocks of minerals, both on the micro- and on the macro level.

If you are suffering from muscle cramps I would advise you to also apply the Gel containing Nr 2 Calcium phosphoricum on the spots where you are having the cramps.

Kindest regards from Brunothedoglistener

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